2000s New governance models and research orientation
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- Research collaborations are particularly successful in attracting third-party funding; for example, in the Hessian program "State Offensive for the Development of Scientific and Economic Excellence" with the VENUS project.
- Other outstanding successes were achieved by the DFG research group Biochemistry and biological function of Dnmt2 metyltransferases and the International Centre for Development and Decent Work (ICDD).
- The alliance between the University of Kassel and the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft has been realized in the cooperation agreement for the transfer of the Institute for Solar Energy Supply Technology (ISET) to the newly founded Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology (IWES) based in Kassel and Bremerhaven.
- Following the retirement of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Köhler, the presidium of the University of Kassel will now have three vice presidents for the first time as of October 1, 2009: Prof. Dr. Claudia Brinker-von der Heyde and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Lawerenz are newly elected, Prof. Dr. Alexander Roßnagel has been in office since 2003.
- Anneliese Hartleb is awarded honorary citizenship of the university, Dr. Walter Giesler and Diplom-Volkswirt Nikolaus Schuchardt are awarded the university medal.
- Kassel students join nationwide strikes starting in the fall to improve the study situation and reduce exam pressure in bachelor's degree programs.

- Interdisciplinary graduate centers in social sciences and in environmental research bundle master's degree programs for these subject areas.
- With the establishment of graduate and doctoral colleges, the university is developing a strengthening environment for doctoral studies, the number of which is rising sharply.
- With the opening of the Metal Forming Application Center (METAKUS) in Baunatal, the university is further expanding its transfer structure together with industry.
- Dipl.-Ing. Günther Cramer, CEO of SMA Technologie AG, is made an honorary citizen of the university and appointed to the university council.
- Dr. Robert Kuhn is appointed Chancellor of the University.
- Dipl.-Ing. Gerhard Fenge is awarded the University Medal.

- The state government pledges to further develop and concentrate the University of Kassel as a campus university at Holländischer Platz through the HEUREKA university construction program. The current location for the natural sciences on Heinrich-Plett-Strasse is to be abandoned.
- With the general changeover to a consecutive course structure in the course of the European Bologna Process, the University of Kassel will at the same time lose an important unique selling point in the German university landscape.
- With revenues of over 31 million euros, third-party funding reached a new high at the end of 2007.
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Köhler becomes Vice President.
- Klaus Tümmler and Dipl.-Ing. Heinz-Gert Lemke are awarded the University Medal.
- Dipl.-Ing. Herbert Theodor Pfeiffer becomes honorary senator.

- The research conducted by the Forming Technology Department in the Mechanical Engineering Faculty forms the core of the first DFG-approved collaborative research center at the University of Kassel.
- Former Minister of State Hans Krollmann and entrepreneur Heinz Fehr become honorary citizens of the university.

- In the field of environmental topics, it presents itself as one of the leading universities in Germany and Europe, with 20 degree programs and more than 200 courses per semester, with almost 70 relevant professorships and about 320 other scientists.
- It strengthens this position through alliances with the Environmental Research Center Leipzig-Halle and the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, Energy.
- In the university region "Central Germany", Kassel University enters into strategic cross-border cooperations with the University of Göttingen and the University of Applied Sciences Fulda (now Fulda University of Applied Sciences), which lead to the development of joint study programs and the joint appointment of professors.
- Prof. Dr. Ekkehard Frieling becomes vice president.
- Hans Eichel, former Lord Mayor of the City of Kassel, former Minister President of the State of Hesse, former Federal Minister of Finance, member of the Bundestag, becomes Honorary Senator of the University of Kassel.

- The Kassel University of Applied Sciences is commissioned by the state government to coordinate the NanoNetwork Hesse, a network of all Hessian universities for the further development of nanotechnology.
- Former Minister of State Alfred Schmidt becomes an honorary citizen of the University of Kassel.

- The industrial engineering program is expanded to include two new majors: environmental engineering and electrical engineering.
- The state government introduces tuition fees for so-called long-term students against the opposition of the universities.
- Prof. Dr. Alexander Rossnagel and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Berthold Scholtes become vice presidents.
- Klaus Dieter Trayser becomes an honorary citizen of the University of Kassel.

- A new scientific center opens: The Centre for Interdisciplinary Nanostructure Science and Technology (CINSaT), in which biologists, chemists, physicists, civil engineers and electrical engineers work together.
- A "higher education pact" is concluded between the universities in Hesse and the state of Hesse until 2005.
- The purchase of the former Gottschalk industrial site opens up the option of further concentrating the University of Kassel on the campus at Holländischer Platz.
- Traudl Herrhausen (MdL a.D.) becomes an honorary citizen of the University of Kassel.

- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinz Theuerkauf and Prof. Dr. Friedrich Ortmann become vice presidents.

- Thanks in part to the help of the Kassel University Association and many private sponsors, the university receives its new guest house, which, as the "International House," also assumes the tasks of an intercultural meeting center.
- Former State Secretary, former District President Dr. Burghard Vilmar becomes an honorary citizen.
- Willi Becker, former Savings Bank Director, is awarded the University Medal.