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05/22/2019 | Berichte aus den Bereichen

Under the sign of the end of the world

Last weekend, the CRISPR-Whisper team from Science Bridge pitched its tent in Berlin. "Tent pitched" is to be taken literally here, because at the open-air event "Children of Doom" - Festival of Science, the lab briefly moved into an ABC tent to CRISPR there.

Image: Guenther/Science Bridge.
ZDF comedian Lutz van der Horst (r.) visited the tent.

Children of Doom" is all about the - impending - end of the world and how it can be overcome with the help of science. The organizer puts it this way: "Under the motto "Serious Fun", the major challenges facing humanity will be addressed with a tongue-in-cheek look at the end of the world - e.g. climate change, artificial intelligence or transhumanism." Over two days, there was science, action art and music to listen to, touch and participate in on a former factory site at the Rummelsburg harbor.

Science Bridge offered a lecture, several lab courses and a simulation game on the question of whether it is ethically justifiable to eradicate mosquito populations via gene drive to combat malaria. "The interest of the participants was remarkable," says course leader Dr. Heike Ziegler, adding: "Especially since it was very warm in the tent with the good weather. Anyone who participates there for four hours is really very motivated."
Science Bridge had developed the CRISPR experiment for the lab courses itself: CRISPR-Cas9 is used to switch off a gene in coli bacteria, turning blue bacteria into white ones.

The CRISPR Whisper team was visited in the tent by ZDF comedian Lutz van der Horst and his production team. It was agreed to CRISPR pandalaks [a mixture of "panda bears" and "cockroaches", editor's note], but we don't want to give too much away here, because there may be more about that elsewhere soon. Susanne Günther

Reach CRISPR-Whisper at
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Susanne Günther
Tel. 0561/804-4232
Email: s.e.guenther[at]uni-kassel[dot]de