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Tour: Wilhelmshöhe Mountain Park
English language guided tour of the Bergpark UNESCO World Heritage Site from the Hercules to the Castle.
Guided tour by: Ulrike Ortwein
On May 07, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. we will meet in front of the visitor entrance to Hercules, walk together through the Bergpark and end the tour after 2 hours at Wilhelmshöhe Palace. Our Bergpark guide will tell us about many interesting and also funny things about the Hercules and the water games and accompany us on the way of the water over the baroque and romantic water arts to the castle. You can organize the journey to the Hercules yourself or join Mrs. Ickler as a group.
Registration and contact: Anke Ickler aickler[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
English guided tour through the World Cultural Heritage Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe
On 07th May 2020 at 4 pm we meet in front of the visitors' entrance to Hercules, walk through the mountain park together and end the tour after 2 hours at Wilhelmshöhe Castle. Our guide will provide us with useful and even funny information about the Hercules and the water displays on the way down to Castle Wilhelmshöhe. The way to Herkules can be organized by yourself or you can join Mrs. Ickler as a group.
Registration and contact: Anke Ickler aickler[at]uni-kassel[dot]de