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New Materialist Informatics 2021: Computing and Worldmaking
The exact time of the conference will be announced on the website
New Materialist Informatics 2021 is an international conference that connects informatics and the humanities & social sciences through the innovative field of new materialist research. It is dedicated to exploring sociotechnical approach to informatics and relation between informatics and social, cultural, environmental and political domains. In recent decades new materialist thought has emerged as a transversal field of inquiry with central foci around agency and vitality of matter, mutual shaping of matter and meaning, and productive exchange between the social sciences & the humanities and the STEM and life sciences. It is 11th in the series of new materialist conferences and it invites participants to investigate the possible intersections between, and beyond, new materialism and informatics. How can new materialism and informatics be brought together in ways that help build liveable and sustainable techno-lifeworlds? What new perspectives
with regard to contemporary crises might emerge at such intersection and beyond? What kind of conceptual and methodological tools are needed for new materialist informatics design and research? This conference wishes to include and go beyond the new materialist readings of computing and computational artifacts and generate innovative perspectives on how techno-worldings can be performed from a new materialist perspective.
Confirmed Keynotes:
- Shaowen Bardzell, Professor of Informatics in the School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering, Indiana University, USA.
- Maaike Bleeker, Professor in Theatre Studies in the Department of Media & Culture Studies, Utrecht University, Netherlands.
- Wendy Hui Kyong Chun, Canada 150 Research Chair in New Media at the School of Communication, Simon Fraser University, Canada.
- Felicity Colman, Professor of Media Arts and Associate Dean of Research for the London College of Fashion, University of the Arts, London, UK.
- Aimi Hamraie, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Health, and Society and American Studies at the Center for Medicine, Health, and Society, Vanderbilt University, USA.
- Safiya Umoja Noble, Associate Professor in the Department of Information Studies, University of California UCLA, Los Angeles, USA.
Due to the ongoing pandemic, the conference will take place online.
Please find more information as to the conference and themes and its organization on
the website: