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Discussion on the Green Deal and sustainability strategies in the context of the InterESD study profile.
As part of the study profile Internationalization and Education for Sustainable Development (InterESD), a digital panel discussion on Education for Sustainable Development and sustainability strategies will take place on July 02, 2021 from 12-14. The following panelists* from the EU Parliament, Scientists for Future and the InterESD study profile will explain and discuss their understanding on sustainability and the transformation towards a more sustainable society on the background of their respective engagements:
Delara Burkhardt, MEP (SPD) will talk about the Green Deal,
Michael von Bonin, activist at Scientists for Future, will report on the activities for more sustainability as well as the transformation of transport, on which he is doing his PhD,
Eva-Maria Kohlmann, sustainability expert in civic education and mentor at InterESD, will talk about her understanding based on her experience in various sustainability networks, and
Malte Karpowitz, student teacherwith the subjects chemistry and sports and participant in the study profile InterESD will explain his understanding of an education for sustainable development in the context of teacher* training.
After a discussion with the speakers on the podium and in the plenum, there will be two breakout groups in the second hour, each with two of the speakers, in order to talk to the experts in a smaller setting.
The event will be moderated by Sarah Wedde and Dr. Claudia Wulff, staff members of the ZLB.
We invite all interested parties, especially student teachers who are interested in sustainability issues, to attend this event.
Zoom link to the event: