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From Netflix worm to Oscar: Stadtmuseum shows stories from the Kassel University

The somewhat different university town: For 50 years, the impact of the Kassel University has gone far beyond student pubs. Starting in October, an exhibition at the Stadtmuseum will highlight research and history(s) from Hesse's youngest university and illustrate its impact on the city and region.

Image: gdbb.

Also a child of the Kassel University: The design of the pearl bottle for mineral water was developed at the art academy.

The special exhibition "Wunderkammer modern - 50 Jahre Universität Kassel" can be seen from October 14 to January 9 at the Stadtmuseum. In it, organizer and curator Prof. Dr. Martina Sitt uses 50 objects from 50 years of university history to show the innovative and aesthetic dimension of scientific processes and their effect on the environment, society, cultural life and the economy.

In selecting the objects of individual research projects, the focus was on their originality, vividness and significance for the city and region, not primarily on scientific excellence. The items range from the question of what role a Kassel worm plays for Netflix, to patented inventions that have enjoyed success in the region and throughout Germany, to the original Oscar won by a Kassel student in 1997. Visitors thus not only learn about university history, but also get to know their city in a new way.

The exhibition "Wunderkammer modern" is complemented by lectures and a hands-on activity for children. It is part of the anniversary program with which the North Hessian university is celebrating its birthday: it began operating as a comprehensive university in 1971. Part of the university is the Kunsthochschule, where Martina Sitt has held a professorship in art history since 2010 after 20 years as a curator in various German museums.

Special exhibition Wunderkammer modern: Oct. 15-Jan. 9, vernissage Oct. 14. Stadtmuseum Kassel, Ständeplatz 16. Tuesday and Thursday to Sunday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.. Wednesday: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Admission four euros, reduced three euros, free admission for students of the University of Kassel and children and young people up to 18 years. Attendance at the accompanying lectures is free of charge.

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