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Landscape Architecture // FUSION Retrospectives with Peter Latz and Wigbert Riehl

Landscape Architecture - Peter Latz - 1973-1983
Interlocutor: Wigbert Riehl, Department of Land­schafts­ar­chi­tek­tur I Tech­

With his contributions to the Frankfurt Greenbelt and the Duisburg-Nord Landscape Park, Peter Latz still stands today for a significant upheaval in landscape architecture that made disused industrial sites an integral part of the urban landscape in need of design. The design principles associated with this are still the inspiration for landscape architectural conversion of conversion sites worldwide. With Wigbert Riehl, he discusses current development trends and design approaches.


FUSION Retrospectives

The Reform University Kassel celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. Time to take stock and look ahead, also in architecture, urban and landscape planning, as part of the FUSION lecture series.

The FUSION "Retrospectives" in the winter semester of 2021/22 will focus on where we have come from and what enduring accents our department has set. Pioneers who were central to the formation of the department's profile will present their positions and contributions in a retrospective of their work at the university and beyond. In conversation with guests and colleagues, they reflect on the significance of architecture, urban and landscape planning at a reform university and in a society undergoing rapid change.


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