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The energy transition lacks skilled workers - International study information day "StudyGreenEnergy

For the first time, numerous universities from all over the German-speaking world are organizing a joint virtual information day on courses of study related to climate protection.

The fight against global warming can no longer be postponed. There has been a great deal of agreement on this among scientists for some time now. Fortunately, this "spark of insight" is increasingly spreading to politicians and other decision-makers, e.g. in business. Thus, new emission reduction targets and phase-out scenarios are being defined all the time, especially for fossil-based energy technologies, which are the main drivers of climate change. But, that's also part of the story: Alternatives are needed, and they need to be implemented quickly.

The good thing is: these alternatives exist and implementation has begun. However, there is a lack of the necessary experts, among other things. "For the tasks ahead, we need many more highly qualified workers in the technical disciplines relevant to the energy transition," says Klaus Vajen, professor at the University of Kassel and spokesman for the Fachausschuss Hochschule (FAHS) of the German Solar Energy Society (DGS).

In­ter­na­ tio ­na­ ler Stu­di­en­in­for­ma­ ti ­ons­tag "Stu­ dy ­Gree­ n ­Ener­ gy ":
After the introductory lecture "Become Climate Savers:in - How We Can Still Stop the Climate Crisis" by network member Volker Quaschning, Professor of Regenerative Energy Systems at HTW Berlin and leading representative of Scientists for Future, there will first be an opportunity to discuss with the speaker and other professors* in the network. Afterwards, participants can get in touch with universities from Flensburg to Bolzano, from Bern to Vienna to Berlin, and find out about the courses on offer. They will get insights into the respective courses, research activities and laboratories and receive practical information, starting with the prerequisites for studying and ending with the diverse career opportunities as an energy engineer.

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