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Performance in the GRIMMWELT Kassel "consider from certain distance".

In the winter semester 2021/22, students of the department "Aesthetic Education and Movement Education" of the University of Kassel explored the exhibition "My Name Was Written On Every Page" by the artist Necla Rüzgar in the GRIMMWELT. In the seminar "Creative Dance Movement Work", led by Prof. Dr. Verena Freytag, the students explored the watercolors and ink drawings of the Turkish artist by means of a dance exploration. Movement sequences and poses indicated in the painting were taken up by the seminar participants and translated into movement sequences. This physical interaction with the art enables a new access to the exhibited works.
The performative final presentation shows the result of this work and invites the visitors to explore new artistic ways of reception.
Special exhibition of the GRIMMWELT Kassel
Admission to the special exhibition free for students of the University of Kassel;
5,00 €, reduced 3,00 €.

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