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myWeGa.² - Kitas Together Global! - Global learning and education for sustainable development in daycare centers

On March 7, 2022, a new training group of WeltGarten Witzenhausen for pedagogical specialists and teachers and trainees from social pedagogical schools will start. The training is aligned with the Hessian Education Plan (BEP) and recognized by the Hessian Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration as "BEP training". The training consists of 5 workshop days and interspersed practical phases.

The advanced training takes place in presence under adherence to the valid hygiene regulations in each case. Should there be any changes due to the crisis, the format will be changed to online.

Ursel Kegler info[at]weltgarten-witzenhausen[dot]de 
Please register by February 7, 2022 at the latest.

Tue., 07.03.2022: Introduction to Global Learning, ESD and the BEP
Wed., 04.05.2022: Cultural Diversity in the Kita
Wed., 29.06.2022: Energy and Climate Education in the Kita
Mon., 19.09.2022: Practical projects and cooperation in the social space
Mo., 12.12.2022: Follow-up day and conclusion
A separate management meeting (online) will take place on 17.03.22, 14 to 17 hrs.
All training days are generally held from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm.

If you regularly attend the 5 seminar days and successfully complete the practical project, you will receive a certificate. If you also participate in the 2-day additional event "Global Learning in Nature", you will receive a separate certificate of participation.

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