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Water backpack PAUL: Water for the Third World thanks to nanofilters - Lecture at the anniversary exhibition "Wunderkammer modern".

Lecture by Prof. em. Dr. Franz-Bernd Frechen, University of Kassel, former head of the Department of Urban Water Management.

Water, especially drinking water, is becoming scarcer worldwide. Already today, 4 out of 5 people in rural areas live without access to clean water. This is where the PAUL water backpack - developed at the University of Kassel - comes to the rescue. It uses a nano-mebrane filter to turn dirty water into clean water - without energy or chemicals and can be operated without prior knowledge. Suitable for disaster relief, PAUL is mainly used for permanent water supply in villages, schools, children's homes and hospitals due to the 10-year lifetime of the filter - meanwhile 3,300 PAUL can be found in 85 countries around the world. 

The special exhibition is on display at the Stadtmuseum Kassel until April 18.

Attendance at the lecture series is free of charge.

The number of participants is limited. Therefore, please register with the Stadtmuseum Kassel at 0561 787-4405 or stadtmuseum.aufsicht[at]kassel[dot]de.

The general distance rules and hygiene regulations apply, as well as the currently valid Corona regulations. Please find out which vaccination and testing certificates are required before your visit.

Please wear medical mouth-to-nose coverings during your visit.

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