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Teacher training: e-portfolio work for professional perception of teaching
In the training, a concept will be presented that takes the perception of teaching aspects as the starting point for the development of lesson planning competence and was used in school-practical observation phases. In the course of this, research results are briefly presented and an insight into the work with Mahara as an e-portfolio system is given. Subsequent discussions take place with regard to the support concept, the research results and the e-portfolio system. Similarities/differences in the e-portfolio support of prospective teachers in the first and second phase of teacher education can also be discussed.
Chair: Prof. Dr. Jens Klusmeyer (University of Kassel)
Speaker: Dipl. Hdl. Serap Uzunbacak
Registration is possible until 08.05.2022 via the website of the Center for Teacher:in Education: http: //