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Vacancy walk through downtown Kassel // whyso⌂empty?
Event as part of the ASL Tour 2022:
In search of potential in the city center
A vacancy walk is a creative format that deals with the design and perception as well as the future development of the space in locomotion through the space. The basis for the perception of space is provided by the direct experience of selected places. Thus, different themes and goals can be forced with such a walk. For example, an urban walk in which different potential spaces are approached should help to sharpen the view for all kinds of potential spaces in the inner city. Especially for the design of a participative and cooperative process the walk science offers a lot of ideas. Come by, we look forward to seeing you!
PS: After the walk (from about 8 pm) we want to finish the evening at the glass pavilion KURT (Kultur.Raum.Temporär).
Maximilian Frey