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TRACES: Transcultural Curating in Global Contexts.
Barbara Lutz in conversation with Felix Vogel
The cultural scientist Dr. Barbara Lutz (Berlin/Kassel) presents her recently published book "Transkulturelle Ausstellungspraxis - Kuratieren in globalen Zusammenhängen. A praxeological analysis of documenta 12". In the subsequent conversation, she will discuss with Prof. Dr. Felix Vogel (University of Kassel, documenta Institute) the resulting implications for the study of large-scale exhibitions as well as for their production and mediation practices.
In the book published by transcript Verlag, Barbara Lutz addresses the paradigm of transculturality from a cultural studies perspective and relates it to exhibition practice in global contexts of art. The twelfth installment of documenta (2007), which brought cultural and aesthetic interconnections into focus with its concept of the migration of form, is examined with the question of how (trans)cultural interconnections of art can be exhibited. Previous methods of exhibition analysis are thereby extended to include a praxeological cultural analysis, which is here applied to the practice dimensions of artifacts, discourses, and modes of subjectivation. With this well-founded analysis, Barbara Lutz also shows how transculturality can be made productive for exhibition and mediation practice in general. She thus points the way for museums and other exhibition institutions to face processes of decolonization.