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Information evening: "We rely on the sun! Solar power from your own roof or balcony".
You would like to produce your own cheap electricity? Are you toying with the idea of installing a photovoltaic system on your roof, balcony or house facade? Or you are interested in the topic in general and would like more information? With an information evening, the city of Kassel offers information on the most important questions as well as a space for exchanging experiences as part of its campaign "Kassel macht Watt". Guest speaker Dr. Peter Moser from the initiative "Zukunft Zuhause - Nachhaltig sanieren" (Future Home - Sustainable Renovation) of the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (German Federal Foundation for the Environment) will provide insights into the topic of photovoltaic systems for one's own roof. In addition to useful technical knowledge, necessary steps for planning, building and operating a PV system will be presented. Afterwards there will be time for questions and discussion. Registration at tanja.menkel[at]kassel[dot]de is requested.