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29th Witzenhausen Conference: "Verzehrswende jetzt - weg mit dir, du KlimaTier?"

How can agriculture in Germany become climate-friendly and how can climate-friendly livestock farming and nutrition actually be achieved? The 29th Witzenhausen Conference aims to get to the bottom of these questions and develop concrete solutions.
Under the motto "Verzehrswende jetzt," this year's conference will take place from November 22 to 26 with numerous lectures and workshops. The conference is organized by students and teachers of the University of Kassel-Witzenhausen. Renowned speakers from science, politics and practice enrich the conference of the year on the topic of agriculture, food and climate. Among others, the Parliamentary State Secretary from the BMEL Dr. Ophelia Nick will be on site on November 26.
Away with you, climate animal?
The effects of climate change are becoming more apparent and are endangering our future. A major driver of climate change is greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural production. Livestock production is a major contributor to this through feed and fertilizer production, land conversion, transportation, and methane emissions from ruminant production. To actively protect the climate, lower-emission paths must be taken in agricultural production. But how does climate-friendly livestock farming work? Do we even need animals and animal products for our food? And what influence can we exert through our diet?
Answers to this highly complex and explosive topic will be sought and found at this year's Witzenhausen conference. In addition to forms of low-emission livestock farming, the opportunities and challenges of farming without livestock will be examined, as will alternative forms of nutrition and their climatic and health effects. Finally, concrete measures will be discussed to initiate a "consumption turnaround" at the political and social level. Cultural highlights with cabaret, cinema, buffet and concert round off the evenings thematically and invite to exchange.
Tickets from 15 to 65 euros:
(registration possible until November 18)
TheWitzenhausen Conference
The format of the Witzenhausen Conference has existed since 1992 with the aim of bringing together students, teachers and actors from science and practice in order to discuss current topics from the organic sector in a way that attracts public attention.