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Lecture Series: Transformation of Health Policy - Medical Progress through Withdrawal from the Area?
The lecture series "Transformations and the Urban-Rural Relationship (in Northern Hesse)" focuses on different facets of the socio-ecological turnaround, including the region of Northern Hesse. Every week two speakers from science and practice will give lectures and discuss with each other. One of the lectures will be devoted to a review of the general state of knowledge on individual aspects of the transformation. The second lecture will focus on North Hesse and discuss the challenges arising from the socio-ecological transformation for the region. The new urban-rural conflicts associated with the expansion of renewable energies, the challenges facing the North Hessian economy and the fact that the transformation processes not only have an economic side, but also change the North Hessian party and media landscape will be elaborated.
Organization: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schroeder, Head of the Department Political System of the FRG - Statehood in Transition
Topic on 31.01.2023: Transformation of health care policy - Medical progress through withdrawal from the area?
Cost problems, digitalization and demographic change are currently driving forces that are changing health policy and health care. Hospitals are being closed, family doctors are unable to find successors, and care is being transformed by health centers, for example. Rural areas in particular are affected by a decrease in the density of care. Especially since the beginning of the Corona pandemic, the previous orientation of German health policy has been put to the test. How can this be counteracted and what role can digital services such as video consultations play in the transformation of health policy?
Speakers: Prof. Dr. Tanja Klenk (HSU Hamburg), Prof. Dr. Edgar Franke (Parliamentary State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Health)