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03/31/2023 | Campus-Meldung

Cooperation with one of the most renowned universities in America

Researching together, working together for sustainability: University President Prof. Dr. Ute Clement today signed a cooperation agreement with the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).

Image: University of Kassel.
Prof. Dr. Ute Clement and Prof. Dr. Patricia Dávila Aranda, behind them (from left to right) Prof. Dr. Alejandro Velázquez Montes, Dr. Randolf Oberschmidt, Andrea Guillén de la Rosa and Prof. Dr. Francisco Trigo Tavera.
Image: University of Kassel.
Prof. Dr. Ute Clement, left, President of the University of Kassel, and Prof. Dr. Patricia Dávila Aranda, Vice Rector of UNAM, sign the agreement.

UNAM is the oldest university in the Americas, has more students than Kassel has inhabitants (namely over 360,000) and is considered to be extremely renowned.

The UNAM delegation had previously visited the University of Kassel to learn about the new Kassel Institute for Sustainability. A joint research project in the field of sustainability has already been applied for at the DFG.