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Lecture series of the Fachschaft 05: "Violence and the Body - Dimensions of Sexualized Violence".

In our media-driven world, sexualized violence is omnipresent. We regularly read about cases of sexualized violence in the media or experience (of) sexualized violence in our personal sphere. Therefore, and because the Fachschaft 05 was confronted with it itself last year, it created the lecture series with the topic "Violence and the Body - Dimensions of Sexualized Violence".

In the lecture series, speakers from various disciplines will have their say in order to shed light on the topic from as many different perspectives as possible. Special emphasis will be placed on addressing not only sexualized violence against women, but sexualized violence against all people.

The lecture will take place starting April 18 each Tuesday 6-8 p.m. c.t. in Lecture Hall 2 (Diagon Alley 3) and on Zoom. The Zoom link will be on the Student Council homepage(Student Council 05 Social Sciences).

The lecture series will be concluded by an open discussion with counselors and activists on July 11, 2023.

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