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Feeling - Thinking - Speaking: In-service training for teachers and pedagogical staff

Advanced training for elementary schools to promote language and emotion knowledge in the 2nd grade.

Here we go! With the "Feeling - Thinking - Speaking advanced training for teachers and pedagogical staff", we would like to integrate scientifically based language support into everyday elementary school life from the 2023/2024 school year and make it stimulating for children and professionals alike through the reference to emotions. We cordially invite you to participate in our kick-off event for the project launch in Kassel. You can expect an exciting lecture, a selection of creative workshops on the topic of language and emotions, and a concluding discussion. During the break, you will have the opportunity to exchange ideas with other participating educators and to discuss your questions about the project directly with those responsible for the project.

The event will take place on a hybrid basis.

All interested parties are welcome! Please register at kvoltmer[at]leuphana[dot]de and indicate whether you wish to participate online or in person.

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