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07/06/2023 | Campus-Meldung

New podcast series debunks educational myths

A new podcast series from the Department of Empirical School Instructional Research clarifies educational fairy tales with very informative and entertaining interviews.

Is it effective to chat or send e-mails during a lecture or to order a table in a restaurant? To which learning type do you assign yourself and is such an assignment actually meaningful? Which teaching-learning method is the best or should you combine several to achieve success?

The new podcast series "Bildungsmärchen - Pädagogische Mythen entzaubert" gets to the bottom of these and other questions. Three podcasts on the topics of "multitasking," "learning types" and "learning pyramid" have been produced so far and are available on the department's university pages as well as on Spotify. "With our podcast series, we critically, entertainingly and informatively question some of the most common myths surrounding teaching and learning and refute them with the inclusion of science and research," explains Prof. Dr. Frank Lipowsky, head of the Department of Empirical School and Classroom Research.

In addition to the podcast itself, interested parties can find the interview script, a short explanatory video and a factsheet on the respective topic on the homepage. The podcast is aimed at student teachers, teachers and lecturers, as well as anyone interested in educational topics.

In addition to the three podcasts produced so far, further podcasts are planned. Among other things, they will deal with the question of what is actually true about the widespread idea that it is above all the personality of teachers that is important in order to learn a lot at school.

"PodcastsinTeacher Education(PEER) - Auditorily Dispelling Myths" is a sub-project of the joint project "University of Kassel digital: Redesigning University Teaching" and is funded by the Foundation for Innovation in Higher Education ("Strengthening University Teaching through Digitization").

The podcasts on the university homepage:

Spotify: Education fairy tales - pedagogical myths disenchanted | Podcast on Spotify


Julia Götzfried, Victoria Bleck, Lea Nemeth & Frank Lipowsky
Department of Empirical Research on Schools and Teaching
Email: bildungsmaerchen[at]uni-kassel[dot]de