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10/10/2023 | Campus-Meldung

DAAD Prize goes to Yury Varlamov

Kassel master's student Yury Varlamov received the DAAD award today (09.10.2023). The award of the German Academic Exchange Service recognizes outstanding academic achievements and the social commitment of international students.

Image: University of Kassel.
Yury Varlamov was attending a German language course in Berlin at the time of the award ceremony. Prof. Dr. Anne Lisa Carstensen accepted the symbolic check and certificate on behalf of the award winner from University President Ute Clement.

"Yury Varlamov is an excellent example of how excellent scientific work and sociopolitical commitment can go hand in hand," said University President Ute Clement. Yury Varlamov was in Berlin for a German language course during the award ceremony. Therefore, Prof. Dr. Anne Lisa Carstensen accepted the symbolic check and certificate on behalf of the award winner.

Varlamov was already involved in socio-political activities in his youth in Russia. For the past seven years, he has worked in trade unions and in human rights work. He began his activity in the Russian trade union movement as a legal advisor. Later he became the chairman of the independent teachers' union Uchitel'. In 2022, Varlamov was elected chairman of the youth committee of the Pan European Regional Council (PERC) of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC). For almost four years he has worked for the Memorial Human Rights Centre, which won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2022. He left Russia in 2022 and enrolled in the master's program in Labor Policies and Globalization. The program is a joint degree program of the Global Labour University (GLU) and addresses issues of sustainable development, social justice, international labor standards, trade unions, economic policy, and global institutions.

Varlamov's master's thesis examines the structures of international trade unionism. "In both his academic and policy work, Yury Varlamov combines legal expertise with his experience in educational work, demonstrating a high level of critical reflectiveness. He is an exceptional student in many ways and a great asset to our program and network," said Professor Dr. Anne Lisa Carstensen, who nominated the student for the award.

The DAAD prize, which is endowed with €1,000 per university, is awarded once a year to an international student or a doctoral candidate at the university. The award ceremony took place during the welcoming event for international students. As the award winner is currently attending a German course in Berlin, he was connected to the award ceremony via zoom.