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Politics, protest and cheers! The poetry slam for the European elections

Politics, protest and cheers! The poetry slam for the European elections in Kassel is a modern poetry battle with self-written texts. We look at Europe, argue and think outside the box. Young poets present new perspectives with finely crafted texts, full of eloquence and humor. On stage at the Färberei: the German-language champion and the best Lower Saxon. Poetry with protest. And a toast to the parliament! Because we're buying the first beer: an Astra to the AStA! Those who prefer it softer can take their free drink from the Fritz crate. Here's to an evening of entertainment with attitude!

Admission free. Admission from 7.30 pm, start 8 pm. The first cold drink is on the house.

Organizer: Offen für Vielfalt - Geschlossen gegen Ausgrenzung e.V. in cooperation with the City of Kassel, the Regierungspräsidium Kassel, the AStA Kassel and the Studierendenwerk Kassel

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