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Lunch talk at UNI:Lokal | Sound symbolism - The meaning of speech sounds
15 minutes with Dr. Anita Körner (Department of General Psychology )
With some words, e.g. "hiss" and "growl", speech sounds imitate the meaning. In most cases, however, connections between speech sounds and word meanings are more subtle. Examples of such connections are presented here. We also discuss what we can learn from them about the processing and development of language.
In the lunchtime talks , scientists from the University of Kassel explain their research - briefly and compactly in 15 minutes. For all those who want to combine an interesting input on current topics with a free snack during their break.
Wilhelmsstraße 21
34117 Kassel
Opening hours:
Tuesday to Friday 12.00 to 18.00
Saturday 12.00 to 16.00
Closed on Mondays
Admission is free of charge.
Further information: