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Kassel wants to know - The university provides answers

How do you calculate the weight of planets?
Why is so little built with wood?
How does human consciousness arise?

At "Kassel wants to know", scientists answer questions like these, posed by citizens from Kassel and the surrounding area. Following the great success of last year's kick-off event, the university and HNA are once again calling for questions to be submitted, some of which will be answered by experts in informative short presentations on May 16.

Last year, for example, Frederik Ecke from the "Bau Kunst Erfinden" department answered the question "Is it possible to replace the bricks on the south side of new buildings with solar modules?" in a video lasting just under six minutes.(to the lecture). Prof. Dr. Jens Knissel from the "Technical Building Equipment" department also answered the question of whether completely dry wood heats better than bone-dry wood via video (to thelecture).

The event is free and open to the public and will take place this year in the UNI:Lokal at Wilhelmstraße 21.
Please send any questions to uni-kassel[at]hna[dot]de or presse[at]uni-kassel[dot]de by March 17 (please note: we ask for your understanding that not all questions can be answered during the event due to time constraints).


An event organized by the Hessisch Niedersächsische Allgemeine (HNA) in cooperation with the University of Kassel.

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