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05/19/2020 | Campus-Meldung

Cultural "GAP FILLERS" in the Corona Time

Students of the Kunsthochschule perform in Kassel's public places in a non-contact city tour.

Image: Kassel University of the Arts.
Galeria Kollektiva is pleased to be part of the exhibition "LÜCKENFÜLLER" of the basic class Visual Communication.

Starting this Saturday (23.05.20), the shop windows of some of Kassel's stores will look different than usual. Behind this is the exhibition "LÜCKENFÜLLER" of the current basic class of the study course Visual Communication (VisKom) of the Kunsthochschule. 

Despite the current restrictions, 15 students are trying to bring art and culture into everyday life in the form of a non-contact city tour. For this purpose, they use the shop windows of some stores, advertising pillars and other public places. In doing so, they pay attention to the necessary hygienic distance and a contactless approach in order to comply with the current safety precautions. The exhibition was organized entirely by videoconference with the support of the base class director Joey Arand.

Among the works are free works created in the first two semesters of the program, some of which relate to a field trip to Leipzig, Germany, that took place in spring 2020. Illustrations, installations, animations, photographs, and films will be on view. Since a map of the other sites hangs at each location, walkers and viewers can choose their own route.

"In between, I would have liked to meet my fellow students in person for better planning, sometimes online communication was complicated," said student Maximilian Muselmann. "But I am very happy that we are able to put on some kind of exhibition despite the limitations." Student Nicole Skrzypczyk adds, "I was thrilled with how positively the stores and institutions we approached responded and how helpful they were. Many thought it was a great idea for us to make creative use of their premises during Corona. And we do this for the residents of Kassel, after all." The students are very pleased that offers of help even came from some locations. For example, the advertising agency Diva GmbH offered to help with advertising and printing. 

The contactless city tour with work from the basic VisKom class will take place from May 23 (starting at 2 p.m.) to May 30, 20 (2 p.m.) . Locations are:

  • Tokonoma (Frankfurter Str. 60)
  • Litfaßsäule KHK (Menzelstraße 13-15)
  • Nautik Center (Rothenditmolder Str. 4)
  • DIVA Advertising GmbH (Grüner Weg 14)
  • Zweipunktnull (Gottschalkstraße 32)
  • Stellwerk (Rainer-Dierichs-Platz 1)
  • as well as private addresses of students
  • and more



Cigdem Özdemir
Press spokesperson, public relations
Menzelstr. 13-15
34121 Kassel
Tel: 0561 804 5366