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07/15/2020 | Campus-Meldung

Release event for the 9th edition of Triebwerk

The 9th issue of Triebwerk, the student anthology of the class for comics and illustration at the Kunsthochschule Kassel, is here. Rotopol Publishing is celebrating with a week-long release event from July 20 to 25. For this, Rotopol will be open daily from 12 to 8 pm.

Image: Carolin Pysalski.

To celebrate the new class anthology, students have designed T-shirts, prints and postcards that can be admired and purchased on site. Engine 9 is a unique opportunity for the comics and illustration class to publish their work and provide a public platform for stories. In total, 27 students with diverse personal backgrounds, working styles and freely chosen content have contributed to this book.

Triebwerk 9 contains a selection of comics and illustrations created in the past two semesters in the class Illustration & Comic with Prof. Hendrik Dorgathen and LfbA Paula Bulling.

All interested parties are welcome to stop by and view the work. The students look forward to talking about their work and providing information about their projects.

The Rotopol publishing house regularly cooperates with the Kunsthochschule and is taking care of the publication of the Triebwerk for the third time. The founder of the Kassel-based publishing house is Rita Fürstenau. She is a graduate of the University of Kassel and the Kunsthochschule. Fürstenau studied visual communication with a focus on illustration at the Kunsthochschule and elementary school teaching and educational science at the University of Kassel.



Publishing house for graphic storytelling
Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 95
34119 Kassel