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07/08/2020 | Pressemitteilung

On the way to an energy-efficient campus

The University of Kassel intends to take additional steps toward climate neutrality over the next ten years. Another research project will now contribute; it is developing a comprehensive concept for improving the heat supply at the "Holländischer Platz" campus and includes new construction projects and the existing building stock. In this way, the University of Kassel is also to become a model for other public institutions in Hesse and universities in Germany.

Image: Andreas Fischer.
Aerial view of the campus at Holländischer Platz with Mensa (l.) and Campus Center in the foreground.

The project, called CampusKassel2030, is developing concepts for energy-efficient planning in upcoming new buildings, for reducing losses in the local heating network and for renovations in existing buildings. It is being funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy with around 1.4 million euros. The project is part of a whole package of measures with which the university in North Hesse is improving its energy balance - from the production of solar power on building roofs to the installation of energy-saving lighting and efficient building technology to the thermal insulation of buildings. In total, around 4.6 million euros will flow into measures and concepts to increase energy efficiency and improve the climate balance in the next three years alone.

"Conversion to a resource-saving campus is a high priority for us," explained University Chancellor Dr. Oliver Fromm  "We have reducedCO2 emissions per square meter of space by 17.2 percent from 2012 to 2018 and aim to reduceCO2 emissions by a further two percent per year in the coming years. In doing so, we are leveraging the expertise of our scientists, who are excelling in sustainability in many areas of research."

In the CampusKassel2030 project, the university's building department is cooperating with the departments of building physics, technical building equipment, solar and systems engineering, and Fraunhofer IEE. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anton Maas (Department of Building Physics) is in charge of the project.

"The heat supply has enormous savings potentials, which are less presently addressed in comparison with the power supply," says Maas. "The research is designed for transferability, so the findings from our collaborative project will be available to others. The research project can be a model for other campus areas and large-scale public properties. In this way, it can also help the state of Hesse achieve its goal of a climate-neutral state administration by 2030."


Project funding code: 03EN3013A
The project is supported by the House of Energy of the State of Hesse.


Press contact:

Sebastian Mense
University of Kassel
Communications, Press and Public Relations
Tel.: +49 561 804-1961
E-mail: presse[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
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