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02/17/2021 | Podcast

Why do we still need physical libraries, Ms. Martin-Konle?

In the university magazine publik, the new head of the UB Claudia Martin-Konle talks about the future of libraries and her plans in Kassel. Here she gives a few insights of a personal nature - and recommends what we should read this year.

Image: University of Kassel.

The interview was conducted by Sebastian Mense.

Claudia Martin-Konle has headed the Kassel University Library since the beginning of the year. Previously, she worked at the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin/Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz and at the Gießen University Library.

­You can find the 2021/1 issue of publik, which includes an in-depth interview, starting April 12 at numerous locations on campus and as an o nline edition on the Pres­se and Public 1 fent ­lich ­ciency pages.



Transcript of Podcast:

Good afternoon dear listeners. For our university magazine publik - the next issue will be published in April - we had a conversation with the new director of our university library, Ms. Martin-Konle. And I asked Ms. Martin-Konle if she would be willing to provide a few insights in advance - of an acoustic nature - and she was happy to do so, which makes me very happy. That's why we're now trying - despite all the Corona-related special circumstances - a format in which I start a sentence and you, Ms. Martin-Konle, finish it.

Even in the digital age, physical libraries are needed because...

Martin-Konle:...because libraries offer a wonderful learning and working atmosphere.

A university library like the one here in Kassel differs from a pure research library like the Staatsbibliothek Berlin in that...

Matin-Konle:... that a great many young people who are yet to get into science will appear and look around here.

For the city of Kassel, your institution is an enrichment because...

Martin-Konle:...because a university keeps a city alive, provides many impulses and is also open to the city's population. The university library is open to everyone.

As soon as public life starts again, I will...

Martin-Konle:...go out to eat, celebrate, meet people and make quite a few acquaintances that I unfortunately can't make now.

And finally: What three books should we read this year?

Martin-Konle: In light of current events, I would recommend: Ferdinand von Schirach and Alexander Kluge "Nevertheless." Then the book by Anne Weber "Annette ein Heldinnen Epos", which is well worth reading, and then perhaps my reading of the moment, Steffen Martus "Die Brüder Grimm".

Digital or on paper?

Martin-Konle: On paper.

Thank you very much, I think that worked out nicely - despite the unusual circumstances and also acoustically unusual circumstances. If you, dear listeners, would like to know more about the future prospects for libraries in general and about Ms. Martin-Konle's plans for the University Library Kassel in particular, please read the next issue of publik - which, as I said, will be published in April. For now, I thank you.