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05/19/2021 | Pressemitteilung

Hessen Ideen supports innovative start-up ideas - Apply now

With a six-month scholarship program, the Initiative Hessen Ideen supports university students and graduates in the early stages of developing their innovative, knowledge-based business ideas. The funding program is aimed at founders who are in the transition from an initial entrepreneurial venture to a validated business model. The application deadline for the next round is July 1, 2021.

Image: University of Kassel.

With financial support on a full or part-time basis (2,000 euros or 1,000 euros/month) for six months and an accelerator program, the startups have the opportunity to take their ideas to the next level. With workshops on various topics such as marketing, pitch or sales, the founders are prepared for their entrepreneurial activities. Experienced experts and coaches support them during the program. In addition, the scholarship teams regularly meet entrepreneurs at networking events and workshops, who report on their experiences and with whom they can exchange ideas.

Applications are open to students and graduates of Hessian universities with a first professional degree. The program will start the next funding round from October 1, 2021, and the application deadline for this is July 1, 2021. Contact persons are the university coaches at the start-up advisory services at the respective university.

All information and application requirements can be found online at

Contact for the University of Kassel:

Gabriele Hennemuth: hennemuth[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
Sandra Wilhelm: sandra.wilhelm[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
Dr. Sonja Biewer: biewer[at]uni-kassel[dot]de