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07/07/2021 | Campus-Meldung

CoCreationLab: New offer of the Science Park Kassel

Science Park Kassel has developed a new space and support format together with the start-up consultancy of the University of Kassel: The CoCreationLab offers potential founders all the necessary framework conditions to develop a successful business model from their idea. The focus is on co-creating with other founders.

Image: Science Park Kassel.
New room format of the Science Park Kassel: CoCreationLab.

"Especially in the initial phase, exchange and learning from each other is an important accelerator. We want to actively promote peer learning, albeit digitally for now," says Katja Walther. The Science Park coach and her colleague Stefan Rötzel will accompany the teams during their time in the CoCreationLab and actively support them with coaching and workshops on various topics. In addition, the founding teams will have the opportunity to network with experienced founders at Science Park events.

"By CoCreation, we mean that we work together with the founder teams to develop, critically examine and sharpen their potential and, to this end, build a learning system with them. Through active support and specific coaching, we increase the success rate of the teams!" (Stefan Rötzel, Science Park coach)

The translation agency Translate it! and the inclusive children's book publisher bli bla blub have already been using the offer for a few weeks. Özge Efendi and Britta Lützenkirchen are happy about the support of the coaches: "Especially at the beginning, you are faced with a lot of open questions and challenges. The accompanying support program of the CoCreationLab represents a bonus for us that we are very happy to use."

Due to corona situations, capacities are limited at the beginning. Currently, there are still spaces available. The costs are deliberately kept very low, at 75 euros/month for teams of 2. For larger teams, the price is slightly higher. The duration of use is initially limited to a period of 6 months.

Interested founders can send their request to info[at]sciencepark-kassel[dot]de.

Further information is available at