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07/07/2021 | Campus-Meldung

Fundraising run for Madagascar starting July 9

Southern Madagascar is experiencing the worst drought in 40 years. In the already poorest region of the country, the rains are failing and with them the harvest. With a charity run, the Institute of Catholic Theology wants to help alleviate the hardship.

Image: University of Kassel

A fundraising run is planned from 09 to 11.07.21. Participants can run a route independently, track it and send the data (as a screenshot) by e-mail to On 10.07. there will also be a joint run starting at 16 o'clock. It will start at the wire bridge at Auedamm/Hiroshima-Ufer in Kassel.

Donations can on the one hand the running ones, on the other hand enterprises as well as private people are invited to participate. The amount can be paid directly to Welthungerhilfe via a project page set up for this purpose:

The goal is that one euro per kilometer run goes to Welthungerhilfe. If more donations are collected than kilometers run, the organizing team will run them themselves. If more kilometers than money are collected, the organizers will try to collect further donations. In addition to running, participants can also cycle. One euro will be collected for every five kilometers ridden.

At the same time, the run is also intended to benefit students. "After the long corona-related break for events, we want to bring young, committed people together again. First-year students in particular have had hardly any non-digital contact with their fellow students and have not yet been able to make many connections with the student community. There is also a lack of personal exchange with lecturers. That's why we want to create an event with this run that brings students together and, in addition to the physical activities, also makes a charitable contribution," emphasizes the organizing team around Felix Beutelmann, Raphael Schlehahn and Johannes Thüne.

You can send the tracking data to: 

Further information can be found on the project page of the charity run at Welthungerhilfe:



Organization team of the IKTh charity run.

(Felix Beutelmann, Raphael Schlehahn and Johannes Thüne)

Institute for Catholic Theology

Department 02 - Humanities and Cultural Studies

University of Kassel


Tel. +49 561 804 3495