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08/06/2021 | Campus-Meldung

Congress for Psychodynamic Coaching in March 2022

From 04 - 05 March 2022, the 11th Congress of Psychodynamic Coaching entitled "Creative Discomfort: Coaching Research and Coaching Practice in Critical Dialogue" will take place at the University of Kassel.

Campus Holländischer Platz of the University of Kassel.Image: University of Kassel.
Campus Holländischer Platz of the University of Kassel.

The congress is intended to help bridge the gaps between science and practice, which can be justified by their respective own logics. Researchers present their results and give an overview of the scientific publication landscape on the state of coaching research. In workshops, the results will be transferred to concrete coaching practice. This practical transfer is developed in tandem between researchers and practitioners.

Already since 2008 the University of Kassel (Prof. Dr. Heidi Möller) in cooperation with the Sigmund-Freud-Institute and the training and consulting institute inscape organizes a congress for psychodynamic coaching.


Further information and registration for the coaching congress: