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09/23/2021 | Campus-Meldung

Samples of current research projects

At the University of Kassel, around 1,400 scientists are currently working on their doctorates in ten different departments and the School of Art: a rich table with many delicacies, because the topics are as diverse as the scientists themselves. With the magazine "Science Happen", the Graduate Academy offers a taste of current research projects at the University of Kassel. From searching in secrecy to useful yeasts to sensory perceptions in online shopping - the scientists invite you to take a tour through their world of science and report on their everyday research.

The articles were largely written by the scientists themselves. The magazine is thus characterized by different styles and formats, which at the same time represent the diversity of science and communication. Instead of having a specialist audience in mind, the articles are aimed at citizens, cooperation partners, companies, schoolchildren and all interested parties. At any time and any place - digital or analog - readers are offered a taste of the topics on which doctoral and postdoctoral researchers at the University of Kassel are currently conducting research.

All participating scientists were involved in the Communication School, a one-week advanced training course on the topic of science communication, which was funded by the Hessian Ministry of Science and Art as part of the study structure program. In addition to teaching practical skills, the advanced training program shows what science communication can do as a prerequisite for transfer and dialogue. This became clear, among other things, during the Science Night, where participants presented "first-hand knowledge" to a public audience following the Communication School. At the end of the entire project, the magazine was designed in close cooperation with the scientists.

The magazine "Science Happen" is available digitally at or can be ordered free of charge as a print edition by sending an e-mail to nachwuchsfoerderung[at]uni-kassel[dot]de.



Gianna Dalfuß
University of Kassel
Graduate Academy
Tel.: +49 561 804-2427
E-mail: gianna.dalfuss[at]uni-kassel[dot]de