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11/19/2021 | Campus-Meldung

Action for the international day against violence against women

Physical and sexual violence are still part of the everyday experience of many girls and women. That is why various institutions are drawing attention to this on the "International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women" (November 25). The University of Kassel is also participating, as the topic of sexualized violence is also present in academia.

Image: UN Women.

For example, a bench with the inscription "Stop violence against women", donated to the University of Kassel by Mädchenhaus e.V., will be inaugurated and will henceforth be located on the Holländischer Platz campus.

Vice President Prof. Dr. Sonja Buckel and the Equality Office would like to use the International Day against Violence against Women to make the topic visible to the university public and to inform those affected by sexualized violence and discrimination about counseling opportunities at and outside the university.

The inauguration will take place at 12 noon. Place: In front of the lecture hall building I (Diagonale 1), Holländischer Platz. In addition to speeches (including Vice President Buckel), short films on the topic will be shown. The event is open to the public.