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03/09/2022 | Pressemitteilung

University of Kassel at the forefront of business informatics research

The University of Kassel shares 7th place with other institutions among the most research-intensive information systems institutions in Germany. In Europe, Africa and the Middle East, it ranks 25th with eight other universities.

This is the result of a current research ranking recently published by the global Association for Information Systems (AIS) researchers. The University of Kassel, represented by the departments of Digital Transformation Management (Prof. Dr. Andre Hanelt), Information Systems (Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister) and Information Systems and Systems Development (Prof. Dr. Matthias Söllner), is ranked 7th in Germany.

In the Europe, Africa and Middle East region, the University of Kassel shares 25th place with eight other universities such as the University of Tel Aviv (Israel), the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Netherlands). It is thus well ahead of renowned universities such as the University of Cambridge (UK), ranked 37th, or ETH Zurich (Switzerland), ranked 93rd.

"This excellent result once again confirms our efforts to place Kassel very visibly on the global research map of business informatics," comments Prof. Dr. Matthias Söllner. He is head of the Department of Information Systems and Systems Development and director of the Scientific Center for IT Design (ITeG). Söllner and his colleagues see this as confirmation that the University of Kassel already offers very good conditions for students in the field of business informatics. There is no separate degree program in business informatics in Kassel. However, Söllner sees the result of the ranking as a strong argument for pushing ahead with the establishment of a separate degree program.

The AIS has just over 5,000 members worldwide and uses publications in the world's eight leading business information systems journals as the basis for the ranking. The ranking can be filtered based on various parameters. The data located in the article refers to publications in all eight leading journals from 2017 to 2021.


Prof. Dr. Matthias Söllner
FB 07 Wirtschaftswissenschaften,
Fachgebiet Wirtschaftsinformatik und Systementwicklung
Phone: 0561 804-3450
E-mail: soellner[at]uni-kassel[dot]de