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06/22/2022 | Campus-Meldung

The CELA celebrates anniversary

The CELA - Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos of the University of Kassel celebrates its fifth anniversary this year and looks back on an exciting and successful time.

Cela logo
Logo of the CELA

To properly mark the anniversary after a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic, CELA invites you to the Jornada Latinoamericana 2022 from June 27 to 29, together with the Centro Maria Sibylla Merian de Estudios Latinoamericanos Avanzados -CALAS( The theme is issues of elites, inequality and wealth in Latin America.

The program and further information can be found at:

After the opening by the president Prof. Dr. Ute Clement, more than 20 international scholars from Argentina, Chile, France, Mexico, Spain, Uruguay, the USA and Cuba will present in three days central aspects of inequality in the region and discuss which political options exist to achieve more social cohesion in the region.

The lived interdisciplinarity through debates between sociology, economics, politics, history, literature, linguistics and other disciplines is one of the hallmarks of CELA and CALAS.

The exchange between countries and regions always takes place at eye level. One does not study about Latin America, but with Latin America, emphasize those responsible. This is the only way to jointly master the global challenges of the future.
