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06/23/2022 | Pressemitteilung

Transport with the e-load bicycle - test cycling at the knowledge store

Retailers, craft businesses, associations: they all need vehicles to transport larger loads. The University of Kassel startup "VELOAD" offers a green option with a heavy-duty bike. The students will present the bike in July and August at the university's "Wissensspeicher" in downtown Kassel. Guests will then be able to try it out.

The team on a cargo bike.Image: Fiona Körner
Pauline Windler and Fabian Berger on a cargo bike.

The e-transport bike transports over 200 kg and two people at the same time. "The electric motor makes the ride effortless, even with a large load," says Alex Wehfritz, co-founder of VELOAD. "Our goal is to provide an alternative to cars in the city, combining the advantages of both cars and cargo bikes. The bike doesn't require registration, can be ridden without a driver's license and gets larger loads from A to B."

Most of the VELOAD's components come from Europe, many even from the region. Adding to the environmental aspect are the costs: "For every 100 km, the cargo bike consumes electricity currently worth about one euro," Wehfritz explains. "The batteries are replaceable, and one battery lasts about 60 km when fully loaded and on a trip with little incline."

Meanwhile, the e-bike is available in the standard version with two seats and a loading area. However, there are plans for modules that can be exchanged by the user to meet different requirements: from a trunk-like extension to additional seating and a solar roof that recharges the battery.

From science park to knowledge repository

The team currently consists of Wehfritz (graduate in regenerative energies and energy efficiency) and Fabian Berger (graduate in environmental engineering). While studying at the University of Kassel, the founders received the Hessen Ideas Scholarship. Since April 2022, they have been producing in the university's Science Park. In the summer, VELOAD presents the bike in the "Wissensspeicher" of the University of Kassel (Königsgalerie, entrance Florentiner Platz). The "Wissensspeicher" is a showcase that displays the diversity of research and teaching at the University of Kassel during the documenta summer. For the concept, the transfer unit UniKasselTransfer takes up the metaphor of this year's documenta fifteen: Lumbung - the Indonesian term for a communally used rice storehouse, in which the harvested crop is made available to the village community and shared. "This fits wonderfully with the core idea of science, to create new knowledge and innovations, which it then shares with society," says Daniel Opper, head of UniKasselTransfer.

VELOAD at the Wissensspeicher: VELOAD will introduce itself at the "Art, Social, Commercial" event at the Wissenspeicher on 7/22, 6pm. On Aug. 11 at 6 p.m., the team will present the project at the "Collect & Connect" event at the Knowledge Store. There will also be test drives then.

University Knowledge Store: from July 20 to August 20 in the Königsgalerie/at Florentiner Platz, admission free. Opening hours and more information at:


Contact VELOAD:
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