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11/29/2022 | Campus-Meldung

Exhibition "After Nuclear Power - Conversions of the Nuclear Age".

Germany is phasing out the use of nuclear energy. What remains, apart from the waste? What happens to the nuclear power plants? Students from the University of Kassel present thought experiments in an exhibition in Berlin.

View of the Grafenrheinfeld nuclear power plant.Image: Nils Stoya.
View of the Grafenrheinfeld nuclear power plant from the essay volume.

The last three nuclear power plants will be shut down in April 2023. For the local communities, this means a decentralized structural change comparable to that in the Ruhr area or the lignite regions in North Rhine-Westphalia and Lusatia.

The plan is to dismantle the plants on greenfield sites, although only about 3% of the gigantic construction mass is radioactively contaminated. In view of climate change, it is questionable whether the approximately 150,000 tons of gray energy per power plant could not be used elsewhere. The exhibition "After Nuclear Power - Conversions of the Nuclear Age" by students of the Department of Architecture, Urban Planning, Landscape Planning offers a factual approach to the history of nuclear power, the technologies used and their dismantling. A photo essay by contemporary witness Günter Zint documents the protest culture associated with it. Also on display are seven options for subsequent use for Biblis, Gundremmingen and the Brunsbüttel, Brokdorf and Krümmel sites.

The exhibition is based on a project of the University of Kassel, initiated by Stefan Rettich in cooperation with Barbara Ludescher and Ariane Röntz. The exhibition is curated by Stefan Rettich with the assistance of Marco Link as well as Daniel Christen, Gerhard Flasche, Marius Freund, Rina Gashi, Jana Götte, Jasper Herhahn, Vinciane Jacobs, Christian Kern, Ayla Kutas, Jasmin Schwerdtfeger and Pia Thois.

The exhibition can be seen from December 15 to April 15, daily from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the foyer of the Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Disposal
Wegelystraße 8
10623 Berlin-Tiergarten.