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03/28/2023 | Campus-Meldung

Leopoldina appoints Kassel philosophy professor to policy advisory body

Prof. Dr. Dr. Kristian Köchy is a new member of the Scientific Commission "Life Sciences" at the Leopoldina. The National Academy of Sciences, based in Halle (Saale), appointed the Kassel philosophy professor to serve on this interdisciplinary policy advisory body.

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Photo: University of Kassel

Kristian Köchy studied biology, philosophy and history of science in Braunschweig and Dortmund. Since 2003 he has been a professor specializing in theoretical philosophy at the University of Kassel. His philosophical research is characterized by close contact with biological questions. His interests also focus on the connection between literature, science and philosophy in the 18th and 19th centuries. For example, he researched Goethe, Georg Christoph Lichtenberg and Alexander v. Humboldt. From a systematic point of view, he focuses on the elaboration of a contextual biophilosophy. In complementary individual studies, he is concerned with taking stock of, critically assessing, and taking an ethical position on current developments in the life sciences. For example, he has examined the cognitive neurosciences, genetic engineering, and recent developments in synthetic biology. In addition, he is committed to exploring the conditions for a modern philosophy of nature in the face of serious environmental problems.

As a result of his interdisciplinary orientation, Köchy was already a member of the Interdisciplinary Working Group "Genetic Engineering Report" of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences from 2003-2018. Since 2013, he has also been a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the "Haeckel Briefedition" at the Leopoldina (Ernst Haeckel, physician, zoologist, philosopher, 1834-1919). His new membership in the Scientific Commission "Life Sciences" of the Leopoldina covers the period from 2023 to 2026.


Founded in 1652, the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina is a classical learned society with around 1,600 members from almost all scientific disciplines. It was appointed Germany's National Academy of Sciences in 2008. In this capacity, it has two special tasks: representing German science abroad and advising policymakers and the public, with the Commission for Life Sciences bridging the gap between the various disciplines and discussing the social relevance of life science research issues.



Prof. Dr. Dr. Kristian Köchy
University of Kassel, Faculty 02, Institute of Philosophy
Tel.: 0561 804 3550
E-mail: koechy-kristian[at]