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03/03/2023 | Campus-Meldung

EXIST start-up grant for energy monitoring in the retail sector

Starting March 1, 2023, the three-member founding team ÖkoVision will be supported with EXIST grants from the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection totaling 132,000 euros. The interdisciplinary team is developing a tool to individually record electricity consumption in food retail and identify defects.

The team of ÖkoVision.Image: University of Kassel
The funded founding team ÖkoVision. From left to right: Jonas Meister, Mara Libralon, Alexander Bock.

By identifying defective refrigeration equipment at an early stage, food waste can be counteracted. At the same time, information is collected that improves sustainability reporting.

The idea for energy efficiency measurement in retail arose during a startup hackathon. Afterwards, the dedicated team further developed the idea during the six-month Hessen Ideen Stipendium. The team was then able to win its first pilot customers with an early prototype.

Physicist Alexander Bock, economist Jonas Meister and environmental engineer Mara Libralon will use the twelve-month EXIST term to further develop the algorithm and implement a WebApp. Prof. Dr.-Ing Michael Fister from the Institute of Propulsion and Automotive Engineering supports ÖkoVision as a mentor.

EXIST supports promising, innovative projects of alumni, young scientists and students in the preparation of their technology-oriented and knowledge-based start-ups. So far, more than 50 projects of the University of Kassel have been supported by the EXIST funding program. The funding includes personnel, material and coaching resources. The teams are supported by UNIKAT, the start-up consultancy of the University of Kassel.

UNIKAT accompanies young scientists, employees, students and alumni of the University of Kassel with a wide range of support services in the phase from brainstorming to start-up. Consultation appointments take place on the 1st Tuesday of each month from 1 to 3 pm. Outside of this time, consulting appointments can be arranged.

Further information:

about the EXIST-Gründerstipendium:
about the Hessen Ideen Stipendium:
about the offers of UNIKAT Gründungsberatung:



Gabriele Hennemuth
Tel.: 0561 804 1859
E-Mail: hennemuth[at]uni-kassel[dot]de