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04/25/2019 | Campus-Meldung

Roßnagel Member of the Scientific Working Group of the Cyber Security Council

Prof. Dr. Alexander Roßnagel, Professor of Public Law and Technology Law at the University of Kassel, has been appointed as a member of the permanent scientific working group of the National Cyber Security Council. His research focuses on information security and data protection law as well as on jurisprudential technology impact research. He is director of the Scientific Center for Information Technology Design (ITeG) at the University of Kassel and speaker of the forum "Privacy and Self-Determined Life in the Digital World".

Image: Sonja Rode/Light Catch.
Prof. Dr. Alexander Roßnagel.

The National Cyber Security Council is a body established by the German federal government in 2011 with the task, on the one hand, of recognizing threats to cyber security and identifying and eliminating structural causes of crises at an early stage and, on the other hand, of coordinating "overarching policy approaches to cyber security" between the state and industry.

The Cyber Security Council meets three times a year and is chaired by the Chief Information Officer of the German government. It also meets on an ad hoc basis. Members include a representative of the Federal Chancellery as well as state secretaries from the Federal Foreign Office, the Ministries of the Interior, Defense, Justice, Economics, Finance and Research, and for the states of Hesse and Lower Saxony. Some representatives of business associations are "associate members."

The National Cyber Security Council identifies long-term needs for action and trends, from which it derives impetus for strengthening cyber security. These results are ultimately incorporated into the work of the German government. The individual measures are based on the Cyber Security Strategy for Germany 2016.

"The threat to cybersecurity is developing dynamically and requires constant monitoring and ever-adapted structures, strategies and measures," says technology impact researcher Roßnagel, summarizing the problem. "New threats must be identified at an early stage, and innovative solutions must be researched and developed."

In this ongoing process, the National Cyber Security Council will increasingly seek support from the scientific community in the future. It has therefore appointed a "permanent scientific working group" of seven scientists. Its purpose is to identify relevant long-term trends, advise the Cyber Security Council on strategic issues related to cyber security threats and assurance, and prepare the development of recommendations for action. The working group began its work with its inaugural meeting on April 16, 2019.