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02/18/2021 | Pressemitteilung

Student project: Filter screens against aerosols

For the foreseeable future, measures against the Corona pandemic will continue to restrict everyday life. Technical devices should also help to minimize risks. With their own development, students at the University of Kassel are showing ways forward.

Image: fridaclemens

In the process, an exhaust air screen draws in room air and returns it to the room through a filter. This is intended to retain aerosols that may contain viruses. The "Covid filter screen" deliberately relies on simple means and is not an officially approved device; thus, it is not a replacement for the basic AHA+L rules. "Individuals would still have to wear masks," points out Julian Lienhard, a professor in the Department of Architecture, Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture. "However, small group gatherings, if they can occur, would be additionally safer."

The building plan is simple, includes a computer fan and a HEPA filter, and is expected to be released soon. The students were careful to "only use materials that you can get freely in stores," explains Tim-Henrik Ehmer. "Everyone should be able to produce the screen themselves." The price of around 120 euros per umbrella also speaks in favor of this. In addition to Ehmer, the student group consists of David Leander Kaiser, Clemens Rapp, Max Maurer, Kim Marie Müller and Fridtjof Schmidt, and was led by research assistant Seyed Mobin Moussavi.

The "Covid filter screen" is a further development of a product that Lienhard and his team designed for medical facilities on the Pacific island of Guam. The "Covid filter screen" project received 2,000 euros in funding from the Pfeiffer Foundation.



Prof. Dr. Julian Lienhard
University of Kassel
FB 06 - Architecture, Urban Planning, Landscape Planning
Phone: +49 561 804-2531
E-mail: lienhard[at]uni-kassel[dot]de


Sebastian Mense
University of Kassel
Press and Public Relations
Phone: +49 561 804 -1961
E-mail: presse[at]uni-kassel[dot]de