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34th Symposium "Psychoanalysis and Ageing": Ageing Baby Boomers - Between Patchwork, Diversity and Tradition
Our 34. Symposium "Psychoanalysis and Aging" with the topic "Aging Baby Boomers - Between Patchwork, Diversity and Tradition" will take place this year on December2ndand 3rd hybrid in and out of the Gießhaus of the University of Kassel, Mönchebergstr. 5, 34125 Kassel, .
With our lectures and several contributions to the discussion, we want to take a psychoanalytical look at the ageing baby boomers in our society from different perspectives with regard to patchwork, diversity and tradition. In line with the familiar framework of our symposium, we will again have time for discussion in plenary sessions - even if this time it will not be the familiar Gießhaus at the University of Kassel for all participants, but a virtual room.
The detailed program and further information on the online symposium can be found here.
Further information on the organization, conflicts of interest and total expenses can be found here.
Subject to the evolving pandemic situation, our social evening will also take place again this year, for which you are welcome to register!
If you are interested , please register by 18.11.2022 by e-mail to at: symposium(at) Please note the information on registration in the flyer.
We look forward to welcoming you to and from the Gießhaus on December 2 and 3, and wish you good courage and good health!