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ONLINE Ring Lecture "Multiplayer Mentors": Hybrid Digital Media - Let's Play Videos as a Learning Object.
Lectures on December 13:
Hybrid digital media - Let's Play videos as an object of learning
Annegret Montag
From the series "Multiplayer Mentors - When Video Games Become the Subject of Science".
In the winter semester 2022/2023, an interdisciplinary lecture series entitled "Multiplayer Mentors: Games just wanna have fun - When video games become the object of science" will take place at FB02. With versatile theoretical approaches, the communicative character of video games will be explored. From LEGO Harry Potter to The Sims to Disco Elysium, there is something for every gaming heart and every analytical mind. The lectures develop scholarly perspectives on the subject of video games and are aimed at academics, students and an interested public.
Starting December 06, 2022, the lectures will take place digitally via Zoom every Tuesday from 18:15 to 19:45.
Zoom link:
Conceptualization Check - Why Disco Elysium might be the first work of art in the form of a video game
Paul Reszke & Felix Thielemann
Hybrid Digital Media - Let's Play Videos as a Learning Object
Annegret Montag
LEGO Marvel as part of the MCU
Laura Bourdon
[mumbles unintelligibly] - Communicative practices in LEGO Harry Potter
Christine Riess
"The Wild and Awful Pursuit of an Indefinite Object - Rougelikes, Endless Games and the Postponement of Satisfaction"
Andreas Niegl
"In the end, your best friend kills you." The Mafia game series in the field of tension between gangster movie references and pop cultural organized crime fascination
Jan Sinning
"Everything in this game is so 'realistic' except for these stupid rabbits". Historical Authenticity in Video Games from the Perspective of the Players
Jannis Grimberg & Fabian Mehmel
In the Beginning was the Game: Objectification and Voyeurism as Constitutions of the Gendered Gaze using the Example of the God Perspective in The Sims 4
Luana Bauchspieß
The Gendered Gaze in Games - The Gaze as Interaction between Players, Camera and Game World
Christina Liemann
Video games as thought experiments for experimental philosophy using the example of Soma
Rebecca Bachmann
Video games as thought experiments for political education using the example of Papers, Please
Daniel Hartmann
New Game Plus - Disciplinary Perspectives on Game Studies
Tamara Bodden