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BTHG implementation at state level. The Thuringia state framework agreement and the person-centered complex service

Since the prohibition of the principle of cost recovery in social services (early 1990s), all forms of services (at that time called: youth, elderly and handicapped assistance) have been searching for a professional, sustainable new service system to replace the forms that have existed for more than 100 years.
In terms of content, the discussion in the benefit system of integration assistance was expanded to include the dimensions of strengthening self-determination rights and socio-spatial orientation and, since 2000, a new "revolutionary" form of benefit (the personal budget). However, this new form of service can and will only be able to establish itself in the long term if it succeeds in positioning itself in principle as an alternative to the existing forms of services. For this purpose, the "person-centered complex benefit (PKL)" was developed and introduced in practice since 2008. On 30.6.2019, this form of service was established as a future structure-replacing alternative in the  Thuringia state framework agreement and its annexes.
In the lecture, the contents of the PKL in the state framework contract and its annexes will now be explained and the effects, strategies and potentials of the introduction will be presented with examples.

The event will take place online. You will receive the link after registration at nathalie.rothe[at]pg.hs-fulda[dot]de.

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