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Meet & Eat: International table in the central canteen

Meet & Eat: Every Monday, the Language Center sets up an international table in the Central Dining Hall. At this table, anyone can just sit down and have lunch while talking to students from all over the world. Try out your foreign language skills and meet new people!

The table can be found in the new building of the Zentralmensa and is marked with an international flag.

Contact: hallokassel[at]uni-kassel[dot]de


Spra­chen Er-Le­­ ben - Meet & Speak: Try out and improve foreign language skills with native speakers at ge­mein­sa­men Wan­dern, Ko­chen, Sport und Spie­len! Make new friends from all over the world.

Sprache Er-Leben offers the opportunity to participate in leisure activities in various foreign languages. Native speakers are welcome as well as learners of the respective language.

To other events of the International Study Center

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