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INCHER colloquium: Continuity and Change of State Universities in Germany. An Analysis of their Development Dynamics since the 1990s.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Heinze (Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, Bergische Universität Wuppertal):
Kon­ti­nui­tät und Wan­del staat­li­cher Uni­ver­si­tä­ten in Deutsch­land. A­ne Ana­ly­se ih­rer Ent­wick­lungs­dy­na­mik since the 1990s­.

This presentation will examine the growth and contraction of state universities in Germany. Drawing on three theoretical perspectives (sociological neo-institutionalism, population ecology, theory of stratification), the influence of subject structures, size, age and prestige on the development dynamics of universities is examined. The results show that non-technical universities (NTUs) develop more dynamically than technical universities (TUs), despite an overall quite stable tectonics of the four subject groups (humanities, natural sciences, engineering and social sciences). Further, the natural sciences are shrinking, while the social sciences are growing. Large and old universities tend to be represented in disciplines affected by shrinkage, while small and young universities tend to be represented in growing disciplines. NTUs funded by the Excellence Initiative have a subject profile in humanities and natural science disciplines, while non-funded universities tend to have a social science profile.

The lectures are planned as hybrid events. To attend Zoom, please register(koch[at]incher.uni-kassel[dot]de).
Dial-in information will be provided closer to the time of each lecture.

For attendance participation, the Corona regulations of the University of Kassel apply.

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