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"Church, Power and Sexuality - Public Panel Discussion."

The Catholic Church is in crisis. Since 2010 at the latest, the silence has been broken. But the calls for change in the "church system" are even louder today, the demands bolder and more visible in public...

But what follows from this? How deep do the sufferings go and how deep are the structures? How long is the breath for each other?  And what do these public debates mean for the identity of prospective teachers of religion? How can and do I want to position myself as a credible Christian?

We would like to talk about this together!

The panel discussion will take place in the rooms of the University of Kassel under the moderation
of Ilse Müllner.

Among others, these guests will discuss with each other:

Dean Harald Fischer (Deanery Kassel-Hofgeismar), Marianne Heimbach-Steins (WWU Münster),
Prof. Dr. Ansgar Wucherpfennig (Rector PTH St. Georgen)

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