Partner universities

Step by Step: Semester abroad at a Partner University

  1. Which universities can I apply to for a semester abroad? For that, please choose your faculty within the database. All exchange options should appear now. Also helpful: Experience reports of other students.
  2. Found something suitable? Each university has a coordinator who is responsible for the allocation of exchange places and the application process (not standardized). You can find their contact information in the database under the respective university.
  3. Apply directly through your coordinator at the University of Kassel with the documents required by said coordinator. The online application has to be filled out for all application processes.
  4. If the application is successfull, your coordinator will sign your online applicaion. The signed online application needs to be submitted to the International Office.
  5. The coordinator is responsible for the application or nomination at the partner university.
  6. When the nomination is confirmed by the partner university, you will receive further informations from the partner university.
  7. Please contact the coordinator at the respective faculty at the University of Kassel for expert advice and the recognition of your academic performances.

You have been admitted? Perfect. Apply for a scholarship.

Prerequirements and hints

  • You must be assigned as a degree-seeking student at the University of Kassel.
  • Please inform yourself as soon as possible about application requirements of the respective partner universtiy (i.e. language skills, deadline…)

Exception: exchange places in FB 02


International Office
Moritzstr. 18 (2. OG)
34127 Kassel
Tel.: +49 561 804-2103

International Office: Mo - Do: 13-15 Uhr